Monday, November 30, 2009

New Uses for Old Things

No one is a bigger fan of new uses for old things then my domesticated self! Real Simple Mag offers great ideas for just this! Accessible online at Here are some new ones courtesy of one of my favorite Magazines!

New Tips from

Rubber Bands
  • Open jars with ease. When a small lid won’t budge, wrap a rubber band around it several times to give you a better grip.
  • Bring order to your dishwasher. Tether stemware and other delicate, wobbly items to the rack.
  • Label meat. Are these burgers rare or well-done? They all look the same on the outside. Identify just-off-the-grill meats with different-colored toothpicks and they won’t get mixed up.
  • Find the end of the roll. When you’ve finished using tape, wrap the end around a toothpick so you can easily locate it the next time.
  • Clean up a cracked egg. Cover the mess with a handful of salt, then wipe up with ease.
  • Shine brass and copper. Make a paste of a few tablespoons of white vinegar with equal parts salt and flour. Apply with a soft cloth, rinse, and dry.
Clear Nail Polish
  • Keep an eyeglass screw in place. If your specs are a bit wobbly, tighten the screws and top them with a dollop of polish.
  • Secure buttons. Apply a thin layer of polish to the center of a button to keep the thread from coming loose.
  • Avoid rust stains in the bathroom. Coat the bottom of a shaving-cream can to fend off rings on the ledge of the tub.
  • Extend the life of jewelry. Paint a thin coat onto a costume bauble to prevent it from losing its luster.

Here are some of my personal all time favorites are:
  1. Lemons in the garbage disposal to rid any unruly odors.
  2. A pan of beer in your garden rids it of slugs.
  3. Car air fresheners’ have come along way since the old pine tree, use modern scents in your home. I love apple cinnamon. I hang them in my air vents so when the air turns on I get a blast of fresh scent through out my home.
  4. Black permanent marker to fix scuff marks on my pumps.
  5. Olive Oil gives great shine to stainless steel appliances.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Guilt Free Shopping!

Now that you got your finances under control, you are probably trying to figure out how to get the best bang for your buck.

You may find it difficult to stretch your spending allowance as far as possible while not giving up your favorite thing to do SHOPPING.I know shopping to me is “MY HAPPY PLACE”. If I’m in a bad mood I go shopping!

Nothing can replace the feeling of getting a pair of killer heels or a top that looks like it was designed for you. Although my spending cash was cut in half I found ways to still adhere to my style but for less!

I still shop at my favorite stores but always look for the clearance section and took advantage of the coupons that store sends via email or snail mail. I also fell in love with which has a ton of coupon codes and printable coupons.Below are some of my favorite websites for inexpensive trendy fashions and make-up.



If you are looking for an expensive purchase for say, a Designer pair of shoes that you can not live without and the very thought of you wearing them gives a warm and fuzzy feeling.Shop for the best price through

Happy Shopping!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Buying and Donating

Because I have limited closet space and a penchant for bargain shopping, my closets can quickly become a chaotic mess. Due to this recurring phenomenon, I made a rule with myself that every time I decide to bring home new clothes or shoes I have to donate the same amount of old clothes or old shoes to a charity. The benefits are multiple – my little rule forces me to think twice before I decide to go shopping, thus decreasing my spending. I get a tax write off for the things that I donate. Things remain relatively organized in my closets. I always know what I have and what I need. And, of course, that warm fuzzy feeling you get from giving back to the community.
Weeding out clothes to give away is usually pretty easy – if it is stained, it’s gone – no matter how much I love it. If it doesn’t fit anymore, it’s gone. If I haven’t worn it in a year, it’s gone. You can’t save things until they come back in style – when things do come back in style they are always a little bit different than they were the first time around, and you still won’t want to wear them.

Also – make sure you get a receipt when you donate your items. You can only write off a few hundred dollars without receipts and no one needs an IRS audit.

Happy shopping and donating.

A Blonde, a Brunette, & a Red Head...

One of my favorite aunts has had breast cancer a few times over now. It’s a scary thing, but she has never dwelled on it or really let it get her down. She has turned what could be the ultimate negative into something very positive.

When she lost her hair she bought three wigs - a blonde, a brunette, and a red head, and her husband went to bed with a different woman every night (that was their joke – not taking credit for that one).

She now goes to the gym everyday and looks fantastic (wish I had that kind of determination). She quit smoking, which she had been trying to do anyway for a year. She persevered and came through it all much stronger and more grounded – after losing a piece of herself, she ended up more of a whole person than she had ever been in the past.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Some may cringe to hear the words MONEY, DEBT, FEES, PAST DUE! I know I do. I know I have a HUGE shopping addiction. Not only is it fun but it is a Happy Time and cheers me up when I feel sad.

However through out my 20’s I have learned the hard way about budgeting and money. I never really had someone to say this is how you should and this is what you shouldn’t do. So now that I learned how to manage my finances I feel a sigh of relief FINALLY! I am saving money, paying bills on time and maintaining a healthy spending habit! This is what I did and hopefully you will benefit from this!

  1. I wrote down all of my monthly bills, debts, and income.
  2. I categorized my spending over three months in to three categories: Food, Gas, Clothes, Health, Entertainment, and Misc.
  3. I looked at where I was spending my money on what.
Sometimes writing things out gives you a different perspective on things. I knew I had to be more aware of my spending and cut back. I would ask myself do I really need that $10 lip gloss or would an off brand or $3 lip gloss do just as well? I figured I would probably lose it any way so $3 lip gloss it is. Once I analyzed what I was spending on what I was able to cut my spending by almost 50%! When shopping for personal products that weren’t necessities I would reassess my finds and ask my self Why do I need this and How is it imperative I have this product?

Also, I made a budget on an excel spread sheet. I took all my categories I spend on and bills and made a plan. I would take out my spending cash and once it was gone it was gone! I did not allow myself to over spend. This is just an example however you can really build this to your spending style and bills. I loved this because I knew each time I got paid where my money was going, how much I had and what I had to pay. This worked for me but being content with your finances means being disciplined and positive!!

Good Luck!!

Save the TA TA's

October-Breast Cancer Awareness Month-Pink Ribbons, Feel Your Boobies, Know your Girls!

NFL players wearing Pink in Support of Breast Cancer Research. Although there are so many women affected by this horrific disease I do not personally know of anyone that it has effected. I did see the previews for the woman who documented her entire journey through Breast Cancer and her Recovery. An Episode of LA Ink with customers getting tats in remembrance of women that lost their battle with breast cancer. The most unique story I have seen about Breast Cancer Awareness was on the Today Show last year. Two 12-year-old boy scouts were helping educate woman how to examine their breasts and offer free breasts exams. I love that so many have come together to help with Breast Cancer research. Hopefully one day we will find a cure.

I personally have bought some merchandise with the pink ribbon logo. Although I do not personally know of any one with breast cancer or who has survived breast cancer I try to do a small good dead in contributing to the research aid. So what have you done? Check out this link to help aid in Breast Cancer Awareness!

Facts and Figures about Breast Cancer
  • Breast cancer incidence in women has increased from 1 in 20 in 1960 to 1 in 8 today (about 12%).

  • In 2008, an estimated 182,460 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed, along with 67,770 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer. About 40,480 women are expected to die in 2008 from breast cancer, though there has been a decrease in death rates since 1990. These decreases are thought to be the result of treatment advancements, earlier detection through screening, and increased awareness.

  • For women in the United States, breast cancer death rates are higher than any other cancer, besides lung cancer.

  • Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. More than 1 in 4 cancers are breast cancer.

  • White women, over the age of 40, have a higher rate of breast cancer than African American women over the age of 40. However, African American women under the age of 40 have a higher breast cancer rate than white women under the age of 40, and are more likely to die from this disease.

  • As of 2007, there are about 2.5 million American women who have survived breast cancer.

  • A woman’s risk of breast cancer approximately doubles if she has a first-degree relative (mother, sister, and daughter) that has been diagnosed with breast cancer. About 20% – 30% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have a family history of breast cancer.

  • About 5-10% of breast cancers are caused by inherited gene mutations.

  • Mutations of the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes are the most common. Women with this mutation have up to an 80% risk of developing breast cancer during their lifetime, often at a younger age. An increased ovarian cancer risk is also associated with these genetic mutations.

  • The most significant risk factors for breast cancer are gender (being a woman) and age (growing older).

Friday, May 8, 2009

Shiver me Timbers!

Friday Fun!

We all know today being Friday you are not doing much work except browsing the web and such. So something to do for fun:

You can change the language preference on anything from ATM and Facebook! Facebook offers another language not often used but we all know it. Go to the bottom of the page and click on language. Choose English (PIRATE) ! Yes I said Pirate. It's a lot of fun discovering new sayings and figuring out what they are!

As Captain of yer Ship, Sail to yer Home Port to send a bottle of messages to ye Hearties!

Your Welcome and Enjoy!